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Meet Aminah Tejan: "The woman behind Walk in my Shoes"








Throughout my academic year I've gained many experiences in publications within print, radio, television and public relation. I've always felt the importance of ensuring equal opportunity to venture within all avenues of interest and working opportunities. 


My qualifications of a graduate Journalism and Business (majoring in Public Relations) at (Queensland University of Technology) had overall shaped my aim to establish my love for newsworthy, human interest stories as well as promoting my own writing skills and experiences and make clear my proficiency working for news publications.


My stories are based on real facts, people and events. For privacy reasons some alterations may be made to names. 


I equally strongly uphold credibility and transparency as important factors, hence why i reflect these two principles in my style of writing. 


I tell it how it is, raw and in detail. My style of writing is non-comparative to any. It can seem controversial and to many hypocritical but that's the beauty of it.


As long as the message is put across then my work is done.  My written reflects also on the emotional depth of those written about. I am not afraid to shed the light on what others are thinking but are yet too afraid to voice out.


I'm not afraid to walk in other peoples shoes.


I want to not only portray myself to my readers but also to employers in viewing me as ambitious and motivated person with a fearless, fun and creative side.


I hope my stories ignite an emotion so powerful and beautiful beyond measure as it did for me.

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